
Zodiac Nature2 Express In-Ground Mineral Purifier with Cartridge

Original price was: $261.99.Current price is: $78.60.

SKU: OS9279193515 Category:


Nature2 Express allows pool owners to bring all the benefits of mineral technology to their existing pool with a quick, do-it-yourself installation.

Nature2 express is a simple approach to sanitizing your pool that gives you clearer water by using minerals to destroy bacteria and algae. It installs easily onto your pool’s plumbing, so you can enjoy crystal-clear pool water.

During the regular pool filtration cycle, water flows through the Nature2 Express cartridge, where a combination of silver and copper minerals destroy bacteria. This process significantly reduces the need for large amounts of chlorine, limiting the potential for eye irritation and unpleasant odors.

Nature2 is the number one mineral sanitizing system in the world. For more than 20 years, Nature2 has been proven to deliver a better swimming experience to millions of satisfied customers. It is the most complete, user-friendly system available, and unlike other products, Nature2 is the solution that delivers perfect pool water, naturally.

Alternative Sanitizers Mineral Systems
Manufacturer Nature2 | Zodiac
Manufacturer Part # W20086
Pool Type In Ground
Product Features
  • Installs easily on existing pools with no extra parts or system upgrades
  • Superior water quality with lower chlorine requirements
  • Controlled Release Technology (CRT) ensures optimal mineral levels with no staining
  • Eco-friendly system reduces the potential for red eyes, skin irritation, and unpleasant odors
  • For inground pools up to 25,000 gallons
  • Cartridge lasts up to 6 months and is easy to replace


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